/* * interfaces.c * This file is part of Network-inador * * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 - Félix Arreola Rodríguez * * Network-inador is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Network-inador is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Network-inador; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "interfaces.h" #include "ip-address.h" #include "wireless_if.h" #include "manager.h" #include "link-types.h" static int _interfaces_receive_message_interface (struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg, int first_time); static int _interfaces_list_first_time (struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { return _interfaces_receive_message_interface (msg, arg, TRUE); } int interface_receive_message_newlink (struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { return _interfaces_receive_message_interface (msg, arg, FALSE); } static uint32_t interfaces_check_link_type (Interface *iface) { int g; /* Revisar primero el INFO_KIND */ for (g = 0; g < (sizeof (linktypes) / sizeof (linktypes[0])); g++) { if (linktypes[g].rtnl_type == NULL) continue; if (strcmp (iface->rtnl_type, linktypes[g].rtnl_type) == 0) { return linktypes[g].link_type; } } if (iface->arp_type == ARPHRD_LOOPBACK) return NI_LINK_TYPE_LOOPBACK; else if (iface->arp_type == ARPHRD_INFINIBAND) return NI_LINK_TYPE_INFINIBAND; else if (iface->arp_type == ARPHRD_SIT) return NI_LINK_TYPE_SIT; else if (iface->arp_type == ARPHRD_TUNNEL6) return NI_LINK_TYPE_IP6TNL; else if (iface->arp_type == ARPHRD_PPP) return NI_LINK_TYPE_PPP; else if (iface->arp_type == ARPHRD_IEEE802154) return NI_LINK_TYPE_WPAN; else if (iface->arp_type == ARPHRD_6LOWPAN) return NI_LINK_TYPE_6LOWPAN; if (iface->is_wireless) { return NI_LINK_TYPE_WIFI; } if (iface->arp_type == ARPHRD_ETHER) { if (strncmp (iface->name, "rmnet", 5) == 0 || strncmp (iface->name, "rev_rmnet", 9) == 0 || strncmp (iface->name, "ccmni", 5) == 0) return NI_LINK_TYPE_WWAN_NET; return NI_LINK_TYPE_ETHERNET; } return NI_LINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } static int _interfaces_receive_message_interface (struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg, int first_time) { struct nlmsghdr *reply; struct ifinfomsg *iface_msg; int remaining; struct nlattr *attr; NetworkInadorHandle *handle = (NetworkInadorHandle *) arg; int was_new = 0, was_update = 0; uint32_t new_flags; Interface *iface; uint32_t u32data; char temp_name[128]; reply = nlmsg_hdr (msg); if (reply->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWLINK) return NL_SKIP; iface_msg = nlmsg_data (reply); iface = _interfaces_locate_by_index (handle->interfaces, iface_msg->ifi_index); if (iface == NULL) { /* Crear esta interfaz */ iface = malloc (sizeof (Interface)); memset (iface, 0, sizeof (Interface)); iface->handle = handle; handle->interfaces = g_list_append (handle->interfaces, iface); was_new = 1; } if (iface_msg->ifi_family == AF_BRIDGE) { /* Tenemos un evento especial, se está agregando una interfaz a un bridge */ nlmsg_for_each_attr(attr, reply, sizeof (struct ifinfomsg), remaining) { if (nla_type (attr) == IFLA_MASTER) { if (nla_len (attr) != 4) { /* Tamaño incorrecto para el nuevo master */ return NL_SKIP; } u32data = nla_get_u32 (attr); iface->master_index = u32data; } } printf ("Interface %d agregada a la interfaz %d (bridge)\n", iface->index, iface->master_index); was_update = 1; manager_send_event_interface_update (handle, iface); return NL_SKIP; } iface->arp_type = iface_msg->ifi_type; new_flags = iface_msg->ifi_flags; iface->index = iface_msg->ifi_index; nlmsg_for_each_attr(attr, reply, sizeof (struct ifinfomsg), remaining) { switch (nla_type (attr)) { //nla_len (Attr); case IFLA_IFNAME: // Actualizar el nombre de la interfaz */ strncpy (temp_name, nla_data (attr), IFNAMSIZ); if (strcmp (temp_name, iface->name) != 0) { was_update = 1; strncpy (iface->name, nla_data (attr), IFNAMSIZ); } break; case IFLA_ADDRESS: if (nla_len (attr) > ETHER_ADDR_LEN) { printf ("----- Warning, address es mayor que ETHER_ADDR_LEN\n"); continue; } memcpy (iface->real_hw, nla_data (attr), nla_len (attr)); //printf ("Interface %d has hw addr: %02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx\n", iface->ifi_index, new->real_hw[0], new->real_hw[1], new->real_hw[2], new->real_hw[3], new->real_hw[4], new->real_hw[5]); break; case IFLA_MASTER: if (nla_len (attr) != 4) { /* Tamaño incorrecto para el nuevo master */ continue; } if (first_time == FALSE) continue; u32data = nla_get_u32 (attr); iface->master_index = u32data; //printf ("Interface %d has master: %d\n", iface->index, iface->master_index); break; case IFLA_MTU: if (nla_len (attr) != 4) { /* Tamaño incorrecto para el mtu */ continue; } u32data = nla_get_u32 (attr); if (iface->mtu != u32data) { iface->mtu = u32data; was_update = 1; } //printf ("Interface %d has mtu: %u\n", iface->ifi_index, new->mtu); break; case IFLA_LINKINFO: { printf ("La interfaz tiene linkinfo"); struct nlattr *sub_attr; int sub_remaining; nla_for_each_nested(sub_attr, attr, sub_remaining) { printf ("\tLINK_INFO attr: %i\n", nla_type (sub_attr)); switch (nla_type (sub_attr)) { case IFLA_INFO_KIND: printf ("IFLA_INFO_KIND: %s\n", nla_data (sub_attr)); strncpy (iface->rtnl_type, nla_data (sub_attr), sizeof (iface->rtnl_type) - 1); iface->rtnl_type[sizeof (iface->rtnl_type) - 1] = 0; break; } } } break; case IFLA_LINK: /* Corresponde a la interfaz real de una vlan */ if (nla_len (attr) != 4) { /* Tamaño incorrecto para el vlan parent */ continue; } u32data = nla_get_u32 (attr); iface->vlan_parent = u32data; printf ("Interface %d: tiene como padre a %d\n", iface->index, iface->vlan_parent); /*default: printf ("RTA Attribute \"%hu\" no procesado\n", nla_type (attr));*/ } } if (iface->flags != new_flags) { iface->flags = new_flags; was_update = 1; } if (was_new) { printf ("+++++ Interfaz nueva creada: %s\n", iface->name); wireless_interface_check (handle, iface); iface->link_type = interfaces_check_link_type (iface); manager_send_event_interface_add (handle, iface); } else if (was_update) { manager_send_event_interface_update (handle, iface); } return NL_SKIP; } Interface * _interfaces_locate_by_index (GList *list, int index) { Interface *iface; GList *g; for (g = list; g != NULL; g = g->next) { iface = (Interface *) g->data; if (iface->index == index) { return iface; } } return NULL; } Interface * _interfaces_locate_by_name (GList *list, const char *name) { Interface *iface; GList *g; for (g = list; g != NULL; g = g->next) { iface = (Interface *) g->data; if (strcmp (iface->name, name) == 0) { return iface; } } return NULL; } int _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error (struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { int *ret = (int *) arg; struct nlmsgerr *l_err; struct nlmsghdr *reply; reply = nlmsg_hdr (msg); if (reply->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR) { l_err = nlmsg_data (reply); *ret = l_err->error; } return NL_SKIP; } int _interfaces_wait_error (struct sockaddr_nl *nla, struct nlmsgerr *l_err, void *arg) { int *ret = (int *) arg; *ret = l_err->error; return NL_SKIP; } int interface_receive_message_dellink (struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { NetworkInadorHandle *handle = (NetworkInadorHandle *) arg; Interface *iface; struct ifinfomsg *iface_msg; int remaining; uint32_t u32data; struct nlmsghdr *reply; struct nlattr *attr; reply = nlmsg_hdr (msg); if (reply->nlmsg_type != RTM_DELLINK) return NL_SKIP; iface_msg = nlmsg_data (reply); iface = _interfaces_locate_by_index (handle->interfaces, iface_msg->ifi_index); if (iface == NULL) { printf ("Error, solicitaron eliminar interfaz que ya no existe\n"); return NL_SKIP; } if (iface_msg->ifi_family == AF_BRIDGE) { /* Tenemos un evento especial, se está eliminando una interfaz de un bridge */ nlmsg_for_each_attr(attr, reply, sizeof (struct ifinfomsg), remaining) { if (nla_type (attr) == IFLA_MASTER) { if (nla_len (attr) != 4) { /* Tamaño incorrecto para el nuevo master */ return NL_SKIP; } u32data = nla_get_u32 (attr); iface->master_index = 0; } } printf ("Interface %d se sacó de su bridge\n", iface->index); /* Generar EVENTO AQUI */ manager_send_event_interface_update (handle, iface); return NL_SKIP; } printf ("----- Interfaz eliminada: %s\n", iface->name); handle->interfaces = g_list_remove (handle->interfaces, iface); /* Antes de eliminar la interfaz, eliminar la lista ligada de todas las direcciones IP */ g_list_free_full (iface->address, free); manager_send_event_interface_del (handle, iface->index); free (iface); } int interfaces_change_mac_address (NetworkInadorHandle *handle, int index, void *new_mac) { /* ETHER_ADDR_LEN */ struct nl_msg * msg; struct ifinfomsg iface_hdr; int ret, error; Interface *iface; iface = _interfaces_locate_by_index (handle->interfaces, index); if (iface == NULL) { printf ("Error, solicitaron operación sobre interfaz que no existe\n"); return -1; } iface_hdr.ifi_family = AF_UNSPEC; iface_hdr.ifi_type = iface->arp_type; iface_hdr.ifi_index = iface->index; iface_hdr.ifi_flags = iface->flags; iface_hdr.ifi_change = 0xFFFFFFFF; msg = nlmsg_alloc_simple (RTM_NEWLINK, NLM_F_REQUEST); ret = nlmsg_append (msg, &iface_hdr, sizeof (iface_hdr), NLMSG_ALIGNTO); if (ret != 0) { nlmsg_free (msg); return -1; } ret = nla_put (msg, IFLA_ADDRESS, ETHER_ADDR_LEN, new_mac); if (ret != 0) { nlmsg_free (msg); return -1; } nl_complete_msg (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); ret = nl_send (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); nlmsg_free (msg); if (ret <= 0) { return -1; } error = 0; nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_INVALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_ACK, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_err_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_error, &error); nl_recvmsgs_default (handle->nl_sock_route); if (ret <= 0 || error < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int interfaces_change_mtu (NetworkInadorHandle *handle, int index, uint32_t new_mtu) { /* ETHER_ADDR_LEN */ struct nl_msg * msg; struct ifinfomsg iface_hdr; int ret, error; Interface *iface; iface = _interfaces_locate_by_index (handle->interfaces, index); if (iface == NULL) { printf ("Error, solicitaron operación sobre interfaz que no existe\n"); return -1; } iface_hdr.ifi_family = AF_UNSPEC; iface_hdr.ifi_type = iface->arp_type; iface_hdr.ifi_index = iface->index; iface_hdr.ifi_flags = iface->flags; iface_hdr.ifi_change = 0xFFFFFFFF; msg = nlmsg_alloc_simple (RTM_NEWLINK, NLM_F_REQUEST); ret = nlmsg_append (msg, &iface_hdr, sizeof (iface_hdr), NLMSG_ALIGNTO); if (ret != 0) { nlmsg_free (msg); return -1; } ret = nla_put (msg, IFLA_MTU, sizeof (new_mtu), &new_mtu); if (ret != 0) { nlmsg_free (msg); return -1; } nl_complete_msg (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); ret = nl_send (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); nlmsg_free (msg); if (ret <= 0) { return -1; } error = 0; nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_INVALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_ACK, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_err_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_error, &error); nl_recvmsgs_default (handle->nl_sock_route); if (ret <= 0 || error < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } static int _interfaces_change_admin_up (NetworkInadorHandle *handle, int index, int up) { struct nl_msg * msg; struct ifinfomsg iface_hdr; int ret, error; Interface *iface; iface = _interfaces_locate_by_index (handle->interfaces, index); if (iface == NULL) { printf ("Error, solicitaron operación sobre interfaz que no existe\n"); return -1; } if (up && (iface->flags & IFF_UP)) { /* Ningún cambio necesario, ya está activa */ return 0; } else if (up == FALSE && ((iface->flags & IFF_UP) == 0)) { /* Ningún cambio necesario, ya está desactivada */ return 0; } iface_hdr.ifi_family = AF_UNSPEC; iface_hdr.ifi_type = iface->arp_type; iface_hdr.ifi_index = iface->index; if (up) { iface_hdr.ifi_flags = iface->flags | IFF_UP; } else { iface_hdr.ifi_flags = iface->flags & ~IFF_UP; } iface_hdr.ifi_change = 0xFFFFFFFF; msg = nlmsg_alloc_simple (RTM_NEWLINK, NLM_F_REQUEST); ret = nlmsg_append (msg, &iface_hdr, sizeof (iface_hdr), NLMSG_ALIGNTO); if (ret != 0) { nlmsg_free (msg); return -1; } nl_complete_msg (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); ret = nl_send (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); nlmsg_free (msg); if (ret <= 0) { return -1; } error = 0; nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_INVALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_ACK, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_err_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_error, &error); nl_recvmsgs_default (handle->nl_sock_route); if (ret <= 0 || error < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int interfaces_change_set_up (NetworkInadorHandle *handle, int index) { return _interfaces_change_admin_up (handle, index, TRUE); } int interfaces_change_set_down (NetworkInadorHandle *handle, int index) { return _interfaces_change_admin_up (handle, index, FALSE); } int interfaces_change_name (NetworkInadorHandle *handle, int index, char * new_name) { /* IFNAMSIZ */ struct nl_msg * msg; struct ifinfomsg iface_hdr; int ret, error; Interface *iface; iface = _interfaces_locate_by_index (handle->interfaces, index); if (iface == NULL) { printf ("Error, solicitaron operación sobre interfaz que no existe\n"); return -1; } if (strlen (new_name) > IFNAMSIZ) { return -1; } iface_hdr.ifi_family = AF_UNSPEC; iface_hdr.ifi_type = iface->arp_type; iface_hdr.ifi_index = iface->index; iface_hdr.ifi_flags = iface->flags; iface_hdr.ifi_change = 0xFFFFFFFF; msg = nlmsg_alloc_simple (RTM_NEWLINK, NLM_F_REQUEST); ret = nlmsg_append (msg, &iface_hdr, sizeof (iface_hdr), NLMSG_ALIGNTO); if (ret != 0) { nlmsg_free (msg); return -1; } ret = nla_put (msg, IFLA_IFNAME, strlen (new_name) + 1, new_name); if (ret != 0) { nlmsg_free (msg); return -1; } nl_complete_msg (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); ret = nl_send (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); nlmsg_free (msg); if (ret <= 0) { return -1; } error = 0; nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_INVALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_ACK, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_ack_or_error, &error); nl_socket_modify_err_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_wait_error, &error); ret = nl_recvmsgs_default (handle->nl_sock_route); if (ret <= 0 || error < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } void interfaces_init (NetworkInadorHandle *handle) { /* Si es la primera vez que nos llaman, descargar una primera lista de interfaces */ struct nl_msg * msg; struct rtgenmsg rt_hdr = { .rtgen_family = AF_PACKET, }; int ret; msg = nlmsg_alloc_simple (RTM_GETLINK, NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_DUMP); ret = nlmsg_append (msg, &rt_hdr, sizeof (rt_hdr), NLMSG_ALIGNTO); if (ret != 0) { return; } nl_complete_msg (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); ret = nl_send (handle->nl_sock_route, msg); nlmsg_free (msg); nl_socket_modify_cb (handle->nl_sock_route, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, _interfaces_list_first_time, handle); nl_recvmsgs_default (handle->nl_sock_route); ip_address_init (handle); }